Paper Session 6
Chair: Frida Mannerfelt
J. Kwabena Asamoah Gyadu, ‘Pastoral Care, Counseling, and the Digital: Resourcing the Church for Interventions in the Contemporary World’
Ralf Peter Reimann, ‘The AI XR Martin Luther Avatar as Theological and Ethical Experiment’

Paper Session 5
Parallel Session A
Chair: Frederike van Oorschot
Axel Siegemund, ‘Ramayana and Confucianism: Mainstreaming Asian Religious thought through digital design’
Sangduck Kim, [Digital church and renewal of Korean ecclesiology]
Parallel Session B
Chair: Dan Washbrook
Iona Curtius, ‘Cyborgs vs the Metaverse: binaries in the techno dystopian body’
Michael Toy, ‘Limits and Legibility: A digital theology perspective on Christian non-monogamy’

Research Roundtable Session B
Topic: We gather in small groups to discuss what we are working on in digital theology - an opportunity to learn from peers, encourage each other and spot potential areas for collaboration.

Paper Session 4
Chair: Calida Chu
Elsa Marty, ‘Bitcoin and Liberation Theology’
Steve Taylor, ‘Digital activism as justice-making. Evaluating decolonial public theologies on Christian social media platforms’

Panel: Creating digital environments
Katherine G. Schmidt
Alfred Biehler, Head of Innovation at Google, ‘Future Digital Spaces’
Mark Nam, Founder of The Teahouse, ‘Techno-Orientialism’
Deanna Thompson, Director of the Lutheran Center for Faith, Values, and Community at St Olafs College, ‘Creating Sacred Digital Spaces’

Paper Session 3
Parallel Session A
Chair: Aline Amaro da Silva
Simon Werrett, ‘Can we build authentic relationships in the metaverse?’
Daniel Washbrook, ‘Third Space in the Pauline Epistles’
Parallel Session B
Chair: Jonas Kurlberg
Stephen Garner, ‘Addressing the digital elephant in the room: Just how global is the global digital theological community?’
Taimaya Ragui, ‘Digital Theology: A Privileged Theological Discourse?’

Research Roundtable Session A
Topic: What do you think will be the most important issues for digital theology to engage with in the coming years?

Paper Session 2
Parallel session A
Chair: Thomas Schlag
Aline Amaro da Silva, João Pedro Rodrigues & Vinicius Rangel, ‘Artificial Intelligence and the Catholic Magisterium’
Elizabeth Widya Herlina, ‘Gen-Z Religious e-Xpression: The Eruption of Digital Spirituality and the Disruption of Cybertheology Cathecesis in Indonesia’
Parellel session B
Chair: Julia Kuhlin
John Paul Arceno, ‘Filipino Digital Contextual Theology’
Rainer Gottschalg, ‘Topological interferences of digital spaces’

Panel: Theology and digital contexts
Agana Agana
Rudolf von Sinner, Professor at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Brazil
Antje Jackelén, Archbishop Emeritus of the Church of Sweden
Monsignor Lucio Adrian Ruiz, Secretary of the Dicastery for Communication at the Vatican

Paper Session 1
Parallel Session A
Chair: Pete Phillips
Daniella Zsupan-Jerome, ‘Attentiveness as New Contextual Model for Digital Theology’
Agana-Nsiire Agana, ‘Digitality as Hermeneutic: Lessons from My PhD Thesis Journey’
Parallel Session B
Chair: Katleho Mokoena
Anita Cloete, ‘Watching and being watched: Negotiating identity in a digital Age’
Max Tretter & Michael Hahn, ‘Transcending Contexts: Theological-Ethical Reflections on Virtual, Augmented, and Extended Realities’